Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lab 7: Save the Pixels

1. For one subject shoot at ISO 400, shoot three images:

A) Expose according to your camera meter

B) Add one stop of exposure (+1)

C) Reduce one stop of exposure (-1)

I think the best picture is the one with the one stop of exposure reduce. The picture looks less white than the well exposed (according to the camera meter) and the overexposed one. The use of a white foam core as background gives more reflection. By reducing the exposure, we reduced the reflection on the foam core.

2. For a second subject shoot at ISO 1600. Shoot two images.

A) At the right exposure (according to what you learned above)

B) One that is underexposed by one stop

In which image is the noise worse?
In the picture underexposed by one stop because we find the noise in the shadows

3. For a third subject. Shoot two images.

A) One in RAW

B) One in JPG

What is the difference between the JPG and the RAW image screen caps?
In the JPG image, there is less detail (less pixels) and the overall cast looks more greenish and I didn't change the white balance for the two images.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Lab 6: Histograms

Photograph a white object in three different scenes:

High-key scene

Low-key scene

A variety of tones scene

1a. According to the histogram, where do most of the pixels in your high-key image fall?
To the right of the histogram

1b. Are there any pixels in the in the high key image that would not print with detail?
The pixels that would be touching the right edge of the histogram (an overexposed picture will lose details).

1c. According to the histogram where do most of the pixels in you low-key image fall?
To the left of the histogram

1d. Are there any pixels in the low key image that would not print with detail?
The pixels that would be touching the left edge of the histogram (an underexposed picture will lose details).

1e. According to the histogram, where do most of the pixels in your varied tones image fall?
To the left of the histogram.

1f. Are there any pixels in the varied tones image that not print with detail?
I don't think there is any pixels that wouldn't be print with detail because there is no pixels touching the left or right edge of the histogram.

1g. Considering the information on the histogram, do you feel your camera is properly exposing the high-key and low-key scenes? Explain your answer.
I think my camera is properly exposing the high-key and low-key scene because we can see the major difference in the histograms. By being not to much underexposed, the tones in the histogram are more on the left edge and to the right edge for the overexposed picture. They aren't just in the middle of the histogram like the varied tone scene.

1h. Which histogram show the most dynamic range?
The varied tone scene histogram

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Lab 5: Noise Reduction

ISO 100 f11 1/15s

Low Noise Reduction

Standard Noise Reduction

High Noise Reduction

ISO 800 f11 1/125s

Low Noise Reduction

Standard Noise Reduction

High Noise Reduction

ISO 3200 f11 1/500s

Low Noise Reduction

Standard Noise Reduction

High Noise Reduction

Even if we took pictures at high ISO settings, the images will look sharp but it's by zooming in the pictures that we can see the difference. At ISO 100, there isn't a lot of noise and the Noise Reduction Setting don't really change the pictures. The more the ISO will be, the more noise will be visible. The more the Noise Reduction Setting is, softer the pictures will look.

I would use the Noise Reduction Setting in my camera but at Low and Standard to make sure not to lose to much details. The exception would be for sports photography in my case. Maybe it is going to make a big difference but I didn't try it yet.