Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lab 7: Save the Pixels

1. For one subject shoot at ISO 400, shoot three images:

A) Expose according to your camera meter

B) Add one stop of exposure (+1)

C) Reduce one stop of exposure (-1)

I think the best picture is the one with the one stop of exposure reduce. The picture looks less white than the well exposed (according to the camera meter) and the overexposed one. The use of a white foam core as background gives more reflection. By reducing the exposure, we reduced the reflection on the foam core.

2. For a second subject shoot at ISO 1600. Shoot two images.

A) At the right exposure (according to what you learned above)

B) One that is underexposed by one stop

In which image is the noise worse?
In the picture underexposed by one stop because we find the noise in the shadows

3. For a third subject. Shoot two images.

A) One in RAW

B) One in JPG

What is the difference between the JPG and the RAW image screen caps?
In the JPG image, there is less detail (less pixels) and the overall cast looks more greenish and I didn't change the white balance for the two images.

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